"Multimetric" Review of fMRI Findings in ECT

Out on PubMed, from researchers in Spain, Australia and the USA, is this review article: A multimetric systematic review of fMRI findings in patients with MDD receiving ECT. Porta-Casteràs D, Cano M, Camprodon JA, Loo C, Palao D, Soriano-Mas C, Cardoner N. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2020 Nov 13:110178. doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2020.110178. Online ahead of print. PMID: 33197507 The abstract is copied below: And from the text: [Of the 34 articles]...the resting-state fMRI metrics employed included: seed-based resting-state functional connectivity (n=17), resting-state network connectivity (n=10), ReHo (n=3), ALFF (n=4), and fALFF (n=5). Moreover, regarding the number of results per metric, resting-state functional connectivity studies seem to capture more ECT-related changes than task-based and/or resting-state activity. Although this finding may be partially accounted for the fact that resting-state connectivity (across 2 different metrics) was more frequen...