RCT of Sham ECT from Hillside Hospital in the 1950s: Republished in JECT from Dr. Fink

Out on PubMed, in JECT, from Dr. Max Fink, is this paper: Random Controlled Trial of Sham Electroconvulsive Therapy and Other Novel Therapies: Historical Notes. Fink M. J ECT. 2021 Mar 4. doi: 10.1097/YCT.0000000000000759. Online ahead of print. PMID: 33661180 The abstract is copied below: Critics of electroconvulsive therapy argue that the treatment's efficacy is unproven by random controlled trial comparisons with sham treatments. Their reviews fail to consider sham and random controlled trial studies completed in 1950s, the data republished here. and a table and the Discussion: In this historical review, Dr. Fink responds to the recent attack on the ECT evidence base by well-known anti-ECT agitator, British psychologist, John Read. Dr. Fink describes in detail the research and clinical operation at Hillside Hospital in New York in the 1950s. The data from a 54-patient study, overlooked in recent reviews of the sham-controlled ECT literature, are republished here, summarized in ...