Touching ECT Recovery Story on Chicago PBS Station

 This is a very positive ECT story, sent to me by a friend. The video is 6.5 minutes long. It tells a typical ECT story of recovery from severe late-life depression. The only slightly negative "notes" are the intimation that Mr. Helfer can't play the piano anymore because of ECT (dispelled nicely when he sits down at the keyboard and plays fluidly) and the anchor's asking viewers at the end for ECT experiences, "good, or bad". That journalistic "balance" thing, again.

Other musicians who recovered from melancholia with ECT were the New York Philharmonic timpanist, Roland Kohloff, and the renowned pianist, Vladimir Horowitz. (Please see blog post of August 15, 2020)

Some practitioners might consider this video useful as part of their patient information library. Definitely worth reading, watching, and sharing.


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