Happy Birthday to Max Fink!

Happy 102nd birthday to Max Fink, MD!

Max Fink, an icon in our field, is one of the most influential ECT researchers, practitioners and advocates of all time. He has also been a friend and mentor to many of us in the ECT world, and we owe him a great debt of gratitude.
Please join me in wishing him all the best today!

                                         Max Fink, October 2024, with Andrea and Charles Kellner


  1. Congratulations and all the best to Max Fink from Germany!

  2. We owe Max a debt of gratitude for getting the filed and all of us to this point. Thanks max

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  4. Happy Birthday with the best wishes!

    Thank you for your huge contribution in making ECT more and more established and accepted.
    Thank you, Charles Kellner, for continuing this valuable work!

    Great picture!

  5. Max, your contributions to ECT and neuropsychiatry have helped and sometimes saved the lives of numerous individuals. You've been a wonderful mentor to many. I vividly recall the sessions you taught when I was a second year medical student!


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