Today's post is about NMDA receptor antibody encephalitis again and the prevalence of catatonia in this diagnosis:

Catatonia in Nmethyl-d-aspartate Receptor Antibody Encephalitis: Phenomenological Characteristics From a Systematic Review of Case Reports

    Gen Hosp Psychiatry 
[Online ahead of print]

    The url for the pdf is:

 In this literature review, these authors found that catatonic symptoms were present in 60% of cases.
Please see the blog post of 2/8 for some discussion of the role of ECT in this diagnosis.


  1. NMDAR encephalitis, a newly identified systemic illness, is verified by a serum or CSF test developed in 2007. As 60% of the patients meet criteria for catatonia, each suggested patient should be examined for catatonia and considered for ECT.

    This lately defined illness is within the spectrum of catatonia, among the benign stupors, malignant catatonia, delirious manias and self injurious autistic adolescents who respond well to ECT. It should be added to the indications for ECT, to the conventional acceptance as treatment for severe mood disorders and schizophrenia.

    Recognizing these forms of catatonia as responsive to ECT is an unheralded achievement in recent medicine


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