Out on PubMed today is a review article from colleagues in Georgia about geriatric patients seen by C/L services; it has a very good section on ECT: 

Considerations and Current Trends in the Management of the Geriatric Patient on a Consultation-Liaison Service. Glass OM, Hermida AP, Hershenberg R, Schwartz AC. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2020 Apr 13;22(5):21. doi: 10.1007/s11920-020-01147-2. Review.
PMID: 32285305

The pdf is here.

This review mainly covers delirium, dementia and depression. The separate section on ECT, although short, appropriately highlights the important role for ECT in the treatment of severe depression, particularly psychotic depression. One of the authors, Dr. Adriana Hermida from Emory University, is among those who are researching ECT for the treatment of agitation and other behavioral disturbances in dementia.


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