Out on PubMed today is a review article from ECT experts in Australia and New Zealand:

Cognitive side-effects of electroconvulsive therapy: what are they, how to monitor them and what to tell patients. Porter RJ, Baune BT, Morris G, Hamilton A, Bassett D, Boyce P, Hopwood MJ, Mulder R, Parker G, Singh AB, Outhred T, Das P, Malhi GS. BJPsych Open. 2020 Apr 17;6(3):e40. doi: 10.1192/bjo.2020.17.
PMID: 32301408

The pdf is here.

This article reviews the literature on cognition in ECT, makes recommendations about how to discuss this issue in the consent process and how to monitor patients during treatment. Although there is nothing new here, it is nonetheless a useful contribution to the literature.

Please see also the blog post from 3/29/2020 about a new beside cognitive screening tool, the ECCA.


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