Recently out on PubMed, from Taiwan, is this case report of successful ECT for a variant of TD, tardive tremor:

Successful Electroconvulsive Therapy for a 74-year-old Female with Major Depressive Disorder and Tardive Tremor: A Case Report and Literature Review.
Yeh JY, Chiu NM, Chang YY, Lin PY, Lee Y.
Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci. 2020 May 31;18(2):331-336. doi: 10.9758/cpn.2020.18.2.331.

The pdf is here.

In addition to the case report, there is a literature review of ECT for tardive movement disorders. The authors conclude that ECT was successful in about 75% of the reports.
This case report is not well presented; the ECT details are particularly chaotic.
One also wonders whether the patient would have fared better had she initially been treated with 
ECT 15 years earlier, and never been exposed to the neuroleptics that caused her TD.
In the bigger picture, the most important movement disorder for which ECT is effective is Parkinson's Disease.


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