ECT in Portugal

Out on PubMed, from psychiatrists in Portugal, is this letter-to-the-editor:
[Electroconvulsive Therapy: A Health Literacy Problem].
Pereira D, Ferreira L, Mendes M, Fernandes R, Viveiros V.Acta Med Port. 2020 Jul 1;33(7-8):529. doi: 10.20344/amp.13865. Epub 2020 Jul 1.PMID: 32669191 
The pdf, in Portuguese, is here.
The letter discusses the fact that both the lay population and the medical profession have misconceptions and very limited knowledge of ECT. I particularly like referring to this as a "health literacy problem." I totally agree with these colleagues and applaud them for their efforts to get more appropriate recognition/understanding of ECT in Portuguese medicine.


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