ECT in a 12-Year-Old Boy- Dutch case report
Out on PubMed, from clinicians in Groningen, The Netherlands, is this case report and literature review:

[Electroconvulsive therapy in a 12-year-old boy with a severe depression].
Tijdschr Psychiatr. 2020;62(12):1080-1085.PMID: 33443762 Dutch

The abstract is copied below:
Electroconvulsive therapy (ect) is an uncommon treatment in children and adolescents. This could partially be explained by the fact that a large proportion of the (child and adolescent) psychiatrists have little knowledge on ect in youths. We describe a case of a 12-year-old boy with a severe depression refractory to pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy, in which ect treatment was successful, including six years follow-up. Additionally, this report represents the state of the art concerning the efficacy and safety of ect in youths.
The text of this case report is in Dutch; the gist of the case is that the child had a severe depression with prominent weight loss, refractory to many medication trials; he had a prolonged course of first RUL, then BT ECT, including several months of continuation ECT; subsequent relapse was treated successfully with additional BL ECT; at long term follow up he was reported to doing well, with good adjustment and no adverse effects from the ECT.
The report includes a literature and treatment guidelines review.
While there is really nothing new here, every published case of ECT in a child or adolescent brings further awareness to the psychiatric community, particularly child psychiatrists, of the potential benefits of ECT in seriously ill child and adolescent patients. Kudos to our Dutch colleagues for this contribution to the ECT literature.
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