Anti-ECT Disinformation Gains Wider Audience

Out on PubMed is this "news alert" in the Saudi Medical Journal:

Study examines the use of electroconvulsive therapy in England.
[No authors listed]Saudi Med J. 2021 May;42(5):580.PMID: 33896792

With this neutral-sounding title appearing on PubMed,  the Saudi Medical Journal and Cochrane Library Newsalert (I'm not exactly sure what this alert service is, cannot find it on the Cochrane Library website...) have spread the anti-ECT propaganda of John Read and colleagues. People who read this article summary "cold", i.e, without knowledge of the backstory, will think the "study" data are reasonably interpreted and that Dr. Read is actually an ECT "expert". 

Dr. Read's unwarranted hostility towards ECT and British Psychiatry is cloaked in the guise of academic respectability, with the professed goal of protecting vulnerable patients. His true motive, however, remains open to speculation. The damage done to potential patients who may need ECT, but are frightened off, is very real, not speculative.

I post this because it is important for ECT providers to know what other physicians and patients may be reading.

Please see also blog post of April 12, 2021.


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