ECT in Lewy Body Dementia: Case Report

Out on PubMed, in JECT, from clinicians in New York, is this LTE:

Role of Electroconvulsive Therapy in Managing Major Depressive Episodes in Patients With Dementia With Lewy Bodies.

Fruitman K, Francois D.J ECT. 2021 Dec 28. doi: 10.1097/YCT.0000000000000817. Online ahead of print.PMID: 34966041
The letter is here:

This LTE is a useful reminder of the utility of ECT in severe psychiatric symptoms in the context of Parkinson's syndromes, including LBD.
ECT is definitely underutilized in this population, so any additions to the case report/series literature are welcome.
The first author is a medical student at Cornell; kudos to her for this contribution to the ECT literature.


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