Classics in ECT: Benbow on Continuation ECT in The British Journal of Psychiatry 1992

 "Classics in ECT' brings you this LTE from the BJP in 1992:

Continuation ECT.

Benbow SM.Br J Psychiatry. 1992 Apr;160:572-3. doi: 10.1192/bjp.160.4.572.PMID: 1571774 
The letter pdf is here.
The complete letter is copied below:

This is an excellent LTE about continuation/maintenance ECT, following up on the article by Alan Scott in the BJP in December 1991 (see blog post of March 19,2022). The main point of blogging about it is to remind us of the early 90s zeitgeist that maintenance ECT was practiced but not much discussed or researched, just beginning to come into its own.
Please see blog post of March 5, 2022 for more about Professor Susan Benbow.


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