Guidelines For Dx and Tx of Depression in Older Adults: Japanese Society of Mood Disorders Include ECT

Out on PubMed, from authors in Japan, is this paper:

The abstract is copied below:

The paper is here.

And from the text, the sections on ECT:

In these guidelines, ECT is given reasonable consideration. I do, however, dislike the above yellow-highlighted sentence in which ECT and TMS are mentioned together indiscriminately.
Treatment guidelines in general are very important for maintaining the recognition of ECT as a standard treatment; whenever a guideline recognizes ECT appropriately, we move away from the inappropriate categorization of ECT as a "last resort."
This document is a fairly good primer on geriatric depression; the fact that the the non-ECT parts (the majority) are so boring, makes me realize how privileged we are to be able to offer such a dramatically effective treatment to the segment of the depressed patient population who needs relief most.
A full read is only recommended for those who wish to brush up on pharmacotherapy/psychotherapy in geriatric depression, ~ 15 minutes.


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