Treating Anesthesia Awareness With Reconsolidation Therapy: New case Report in The British Journal of Anesthesia

Out on PubMed, from authors in France and Canada, is this case report:

Rapid and efficient treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder induced by anaesthesia awareness with recall using reconsolidation therapy.

Laurin A, Bulteau S, Dumont R, Brunet A, Sauvaget A.Br J Anaesth. 2023 Apr 18:S0007-0912(23)00136-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2023.03.013. Online ahead of print.PMID: 37080870

The article is here.
And here:
This report describes an extremely interesting and potentially important procedure. If this really works for treating anesthesia awareness with recall (AAWR), then it will be very helpful for allowing patients to continue needed ECT after such an experience. The theoretical implications for treating PTSD more broadly are enormous.
The report is short on details of what actually happened during the ECT, but no matter, it is still very much worthwhile to read.
Of course, we should do everything possible to prevent AAWR in the first place, with close attention to excellent anesthesia techniques. 


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