ECT For Cotard's Syndrome in a 13-Year Old

 Out on PubMed, from Danish clinicians,  in the Danish Medical Journal, is this case report:

ECT for Cotard syndrome in a 13-year-old.

Kjærgaard AL, Jensen LN, Taastrøm A, Rimvall MK.Ugeskr Laeger. 2023 May 15;185(20):V11220696.PMID: 37264869 Danish.

The abstract is copied below:

This is a case report about a 13-year-old girl who presented with depression, severely reduced daily functioning, and eventually nihilistic delusions about being dead. The condition was interpreted as a presentation of Cotard syndrome as part of early-onset schizophrenia. Treatment with an antidepressant and multiple antipsychotic medications was not effective. The patient was then treated with ECT, resulting in subjective and measurable positive effects.

The case report is here.

We only have the abstract in English, but this looks to be successful ECT in an adolescent with a severe, psychotic illness.

Perhaps a Danish colleague who follows this blog could help us with a few more details...


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