SC Public Radio Spot on Geriatric Depression: ECT Mentioned

This brief spot on geriatric depression aired on South carolina Public Radio recently:

Depression in Older Adults

The link is here:

What is the big deal here? Well, the big deal is that there is no big deal:  ECT is mentioned as a treatment for depression that does not respond to pharmacotherapy. No drama, no caveats, no "buts." That is the way it should be. Of course, most of the time there is no mention of ECT at all...
The reminder that cognitive impairment may be a symptom of depression (pseudodementia) is also very helpful.
Kudos to Dr. Bryan for this excellent public service announcement.


  1. Dr. Kellner, thank you for sharing my podcast. I am an advocate for ECT and TMS and try to educate our geriatric psychiatry patients about this option. I am glad to learn about your blog! I look forward to following your posts, and I will share your site with the residents and fellows that I work with in clinic.


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