Geriatric TRD: New Review in the NEJM

Out on PubMed, in the NEJM, is this review:

Treatment-Resistant Depression in Older Adults.

Steffens DC.N Engl J Med. 2024 Feb 15;390(7):630-639. doi: 10.1056/NEJMcp2305428.PMID: 38354142 Review. 

The article is here.

And from the text:

This review will be very widely read, because it is in The NEJM. ECT gets pretty fair representation here, despite the typical, "just the facts, no elaboration" treatment. ECT's mention in the figure and Table is good. But the dissing of the PRIDE study as "uncontrolled, observational" is way harsh, according to this observer (biased as I am). 

There is a touch of sloppiness in the referencing, but otherwise we thank Dr. Steffens for putting ECT on the world stage in a favorable light.


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