Catatonia From Synthetic Cannabis: Case Report in Cureus

Catatonia Induced by First-Time Use of Synthetic Cannabinoids: A Case Report.

Puri A, Costanzo F, Rivera J, Bujdos J.Cureus. 2024 Jan 31;16(1):e53324. doi: 10.7759/cureus.53324. eCollection 2024 Jan.PMID: 38435863

The abstract is copied below:
We present the case of a 32-year-old woman who developed life-threatening catatonia in the setting of synthetic cannabis use. She was treated with high doses of lorazepam (up to 26 mg) and eventually transferred to receive electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Synthetic cannabis poses a unique risk as it is widely available, difficult to regulate, and with adverse effects that are not well understood due to the presence of ever-changing chemical compounds. In this case report, we present one of the first cases of catatonia induced by first-time synthetic cannabinoids with no previous history of cannabis use disorder.

Keywords: cannabinoids; cannabis-induced catatonia; case report; catatonia; synthetic cannabis.

The report is here.
And here:

This is a very flawed case report that teases the use of ECT, but doesn't get there. Reviewers for most journals would have told the authors to defer publication until the treatment outcome was known.
So no ECT here, but at least the clinicians knew it was indicated, and made arrangements for the patient to get it. 
Also, that must be some EEG that showed "cerebral swelling."
One single kudo to the authors for instructing us about the potential for synthetic cannabis to induce catatonia.


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