Nursing Audit of ECT Information Sheets In New South Wales Australia

Out on PubMed, from authors in Australia, is this paper:

An audit and analysis of electro convulsive therapy patient information sheets used in local health districts in New South Wales Australia.

Wand T, Isobel S, Kemp H.Int J Ment Health Nurs. 2024 Mar 13. doi: 10.1111/inm.13318. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38477074
The abstract is copied below:

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) is a widely used psychiatric treatment; however, it remains contentious. It is therefore important that people are provided with accurate and balanced information before consenting to ECT. The aim of this study was to audit and analyse the content and language of ECT information sheets used in local health districts (LHDs) across the state of New South Wales Australia. Descriptive content analysis and evaluative linguistic analysis were used to investigate the information sheets, with findings then considered from a mad studies perspective. Thirteen ECT information sheets were obtained and reviewed, with the audit finding they lacked accuracy and balance. Linguistic tools were used to exaggerate positive outcomes and minimise negative effects. Despite commonalities, the structure and content of the sheets varied considerably. Findings indicate a need for co-design and co-production approaches to developing ECT information sheets. This should occur in genuine partnership with lived experience representatives based on current evidence, using neutral language, and with attention to their intent as part of processes of informed consent and decision making.

Keywords: co-design; co-production; electroconvulsive therapy; epistemic injustice; ethics in healthcare; informed consent; mad studies.

The paper is here.
And from the text:

and from the references:

Who knew that consent forms for ECT in New South Wales were part of "epistemic injustice"?
Unfortunately, this is quite simply an anti-ECT screed, à la John Read (see references). The conclusions are sanitized, but the text has all of the standard Scientology distortions and disinformation.
The good news is that I suffered reading through the whole article, so now you don't have to.
Instead of kudos, how about 4 Pinocchios for misleading content?


  1. The below comment is from Dr. Colleen Loo:

    In NSW, the ECT information and consent form, which provide information on ECT and on which consent is signed, are forms issued by the NSW Ministry of Health and must be used exactly as they are provided. In addition, NSW Health has developed ECT guidelines, a detailed resource which includes information for clinicians and for people considering ECT treatment. The latest revision of this document, planned for release in 2024, has had lived experience input throughout its development, as well as a chapter led and authored by those with lived experience. I agree with the importance of input from those with lived experience, and refer people to this resource.

    Colleen Loo

  2. The question is whether the editors of Int J Ment Health Nurs should be told what was actually overlooked.
    According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2021 impact factor of 5.100, ranking it 2nd out of 125 journals in the category "Nursing".
    Kudos for reading it, Charlie! And for the invention of 4 Pinocchios.


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