ECT For Parkinsonism in Lewy Body Dementia: Case Report From Japan

 Out on PubMed, from clinicians in Japan, is this case report:

Effects of right unilateral ultra-brief pulse electroconvulsive therapy in a depressed patient with dementia with Lewy bodies: a longitudinal case report.

Yamaguchi Y, Kobayashi R, Muraosa H, Numazawa T, Morioka D, Sakamoto K, Suzuki A.Psychogeriatrics. 2024 Apr 16. doi: 10.1111/psyg.13127. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38627608 

The report is here.

And here:

Here is a case report to remind us of the anti-Parkinsonian effect of ECT. The case is well presented, but the clinical care was flawed, as the dramatic benefit of the ECT was allowed to wane, since the ECT course was abruptly stopped, and neither tapered, nor followed with continuation ECT. The case also is a reminder of the need to be cautious in ECT technique in this patient population, to avoid delirium.

The authors deserve kudos for this addition to the ECT in Parkinson's Disease literature, and hopefully will be more flexible in their subsequent clinical care.


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