ECT in Transgender and Gender Diverse Populations: New Case Report and Literature Review

 Out on PubMed, from authors in Australia, is this article:

Electroconvulsive Therapy in Transgender and Gender Diverse Population: A Case Report and Review of Literature.

Draper L, Vikas A, Das S, Yadav S, Walker F, Bandilovska I.Case Rep Psychiatry. 2024 May 7;2024:5552781. doi: 10.1155/2024/5552781. eCollection 2024.PMID: 38746078

The abstract is copied below:
Objective: Present a case of a transgender and gender diverse (TGD) individual receiving gender affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) who presented with first episode bipolar mania and received electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). To understand the safety and efficacy of ECT in the TGD population including those receiving GAHT through literature review.

Materials and methods: Case report using informed consent from an individual TGD patient who received ECT. A review of the literature was conducted using PubMed, Embase, and Medline.

Results: The case illustrated safe and effective ECT use in a TGD individual receiving GAHT. Eight studies were reviewed. GAHT has been reported to interfere with certain anaesthetic agents used in ECT. ECT appeared to be a safe and effective treatment in the TGD samples in those studies.

Conclusion: There is limited literature on the safety and efficacy of ECT for TGD individuals receiving GAHT. More research is required to address mental health inequalities in this population and to support safe and effective gender affirming treatment modalities.

The article is here.
And from the text:

Here is a new case report and literature review of the use of ECT in transgender and gender diverse populations. This is an important issue and the technical and anesthetic issues raised are noted. The incomplete description of the ECT treatment course, (with the three second initial motor seizure duration) detracts from the overall quality of the report. But is interesting that the patient improved immediately after that treatment, despite "tachycardia" of (only) 108 afterwards.


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