ECT Education For Psych Residents in Holland

 Out on PubMed, from the Netherlands, is this article:

[Development and learning outcomes of an e-learning ECT for psychiatry residents].

Dijkstra EM, J Duvivier R, van Waarde JA.Tijdschr Psychiatr. 2024;66(5):252-258.PMID: 39162165 Dutch.

The abstract is copied below:

Background: Education in electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has become mandatory in the Dutch psychiatry training. ECT is still relatively rarely used. To increase knowledge about ECT, we have developed a training module about ECT for psychiatrist training. To promote flexible learning, we opted for e-learning, where educational principles have been applied in the design.

Aim: In this article we discuss how this e-learning ECT was developed and analyze the learning outcomes for psychiatry residents.

Method: The e-learning has been developed based on the ADDIE model and consists of an entrance test, various assignments and a final test. The learning outcomes of the first 216 residents have been analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively using test results, self-assessments of their expertise in ECT (before and after) and evaluations.

Results: Of the participating residents, 94% found this education relevant to practice. The e-learning was rated with an average of 8.3. Afterwards, one’s own knowledge about ECT was estimated to be significantly higher than before. Afterwards, 72% thought they can indicate ECT more quickly and 99% reported that they can better inform patients and families about ECT.

Conclusion: The e-learning ECT is appreciated by residents and leads to an experienced improvement in knowledge about ECT.

The article is here.
And from the text:


In dit onderzoek beschrijven wij de ontwikkeling, opzet en leeropbrengsten van de e-learning ECT voor het landelijke psychiatrieonderwijs. De e-learning wordt als belangrijk ervaren door vrijwel alle aiossen psychiatrie (94%) en krijgt een waardering van 8,3. Na afronding van de e-learning geeft 79% van de aiossen aan meer kennis te hebben over ECT en zichzelf capabeler te voelen in het voorlichten van patiënten en familie over de procedure en bijwerkingen van ECT.

Gebrek aan ECT-kennis. Van de gehele groep gaven 38 aiossen (18,3%) aan nooit eerder een ECT-indicatie te hebben gesteld, en bijna een kwart gaf aan ‘weinig’ tot ‘nauwelijks’ kennis te hebben over ECT. Hoewel aiossen wat betreft aanwezige kennis zichzelf wellicht te laag inschatten, vinden wij dit aantal toch vrij hoog. Zeker als bedacht kan worden dat er nog altijd veel vooroordelen en stigma over ECT bestaan.17 Adequate kennis is daarom relevant voor iedere aios en psychiater, zodat het stigma hopelijk kan worden beteugeld en (verwijzende) collega’s binnen en buiten de ggz adequaat kunnen worden voorgelicht.

Levensreddende interventie. Bijna alle aiossen (94,1%) vinden de e-learning relevant voor hun praktijk, aangezien ECT vaak als levensreddende interventie wordt ingezet. Parate kennis over spoed-ECT is essentieel voor de kwaliteit van de zorg. Net als de aios zal niet iedere achterwacht-psychiater voldoende kennis hebben over (spoed-)indicaties voor ECT, omdat dit onderwijs pas sinds het meest recente LOP De Psychiater verplicht is. Een e-learning biedt een efficiënte manier om deze kennis op te doen, zelfs in drie uur tijd. Wij streven ernaar om de e-learning ECT in 2024 ook toegankelijk te maken voor geregistreerde psychiaters.

Google translated, below:


In this study we describe the development, design and learning outcomes of the e-learning ECT for national psychiatry education. E-learning is experienced as important by almost all psychiatry residents (94%) and receives a rating of 8.3. After completing the e-learning, 79% of residents indicate that they have more knowledge about ECT and feel more capable in educating patients and families about the procedure and side effects of ECT. Lack of ECT knowledge. Of the entire group, 38 residents (18.3%) indicated that they had never made an ECT indication before, and almost a quarter indicated that they had 'little' to 'hardly' knowledge about ECT. Although residents may estimate themselves too low in terms of available knowledge, we still think this number is quite high. Especially considering that there are still many prejudices and stigma about ECT.17 Adequate knowledge is therefore relevant for every resident and psychiatrist, so that the stigma can hopefully be curbed and (referring) colleagues within and outside mental health care can be adequately informed. . Life-saving intervention. Almost all residents (94.1%) find e-learning relevant to their practice, as ECT is often used as a life-saving intervention. Ready knowledge about emergency ECT is essential for the quality of care. Just like residents, not every back-up psychiatrist will have sufficient knowledge about (emergency) indications for ECT, because this education has only been mandatory since the most recent LOP De Psychiatrist. E-learning offers an efficient way to acquire this knowledge, even in three hours. We aim to make the e-learning ECT also accessible to registered psychiatrists in 2024.

Big kudos to our Dutch colleagues for advancing the cause of ECT education, among the newest generation of psychiatrists as well as older colleagues.


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