Management of Depression: LTE Calls Out JAMA Review For Trivializing ECT

Out on PubMed, from authors in Denmark and the US, is this LTE in JAMA: 

Management of Depression.

Jorgensen A, Kellner C, Jorgensen MB.JAMA. 2024 Oct 21. doi: 10.1001/jama.2024.18402. Online ahead of print.PMID: 39432280 

The LTE is here.

Here is our LTE, in response to:
Management of depression in adults: a review, JAMA 2024;332(2):141-152, which gave seriously short shrift to ECT.
We emphasize ECT as a treatment for severe illness, again trying to lean away from the fraught concept of TRD.
This letter is an attempt to further educate the wider medical audience about ECT; JAMA is one of the best places to do that.
Kudos and thanks to my Danish colleagues!


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