Electroconvulsive Therapy and Brain Network Reorganization: Dynamic Connectivity Insights and Implications for the Treatment of Depression and Suicidal Ideation

 Out on PubMed, from a researcher at UCLA, is this editorial:

Electroconvulsive Therapy and Brain Network Reorganization: Dynamic Connectivity Insights and Implications for the Treatment of Depression and Suicidal Ideation.

Zavaliangos-Petropulu A.Biol Psychiatry. 2024 Dec 15;96(12):e25-e27. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2024.09.007.PMID: 39537268

The editorial is here.
And here:

Here's a dense but delightful editorial about a resting-state fMRi study in Biological Psychiatry that I have not yet blogged about.

The physics and details are complex, but the overarching themes are clear and encouraging: we may have begun to chip away at an understanding of how ECT works to normalize functional brain networks to alleviate depression and one of its most pernicious symptoms, suicidality.

This editorial is worth reading very carefully; I hope to blog about the underlying study in the future.


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